The problem

everyone loves sharing their favorite movies, music, podcasts, books, and tv shows with their friends and family but not all entertainment platforms allow users to directly share their content through their sites. Simply texting a friend the name of a movie does not make accessing information about that movie, or watching it, any easier. With tons of different platforms, entertainment media types, and friend recommendations it can be difficult to keep track of and filter through content options.


All your favorite pieces of media & entertainment, in one space.

InSYNC is an app that allows people to connect with friends and family by sharing their favorite types of music, movies, tv shows, podcasts, and books, all in one place. Essentially, it is a social network for media sharing and will allow users to save and recommend the things they love to read, watch, and listen to. We want to streamline the process of creating lists and sending individual recommendations to friends by creating a space where users can generate libraries of everything they consume. These libraries will make up a user's profile where they can easily connect with others, similar to other social media profiles and feeds. 

target audience

Our target audience includes young adults, college students, and anyone who enjoys entertainment and has a passion for sharing it with others

Color palette and style guide

The Solution

by creating a space where users can generate libraries of everything they consume, we can streamline the processes of filtering and sharing content while allowing people to connect with each other through the power of entertainment.

Initial brainstorming sketches

user flow prototype

Set up

app functions

App prototype demo video


Sweet & Spicy